Describe the strategies for cache management and cache eviction in the client-side cache.
Describe the strategies for cache management and cache eviction in the client-side cache.
Updated on 25-May-2023
Aryan Kumar
25-May-2023Cache management and cache eviction strategies play an important role in optimizing client-side cache performance and efficiency. Client-side cache is storage, typically on a user's device or her web browser, used to temporarily store and retrieve frequently accessed resources such as web pages, images, scripts, style sheets, etc. refers to the mechanism.
Let's look at some common strategies for cache management and cache cleaning for client-side caches.
One basic strategy is to set a maximum cache size limit. This prevents the cache from growing unbounded and consuming excessive disk space. When the cache reaches its size limit, it begins an eviction process to make room for new resources.
LRU is a common cache eviction strategy that evicts the least recently accessed resource from the cache. A resource that has not been accessed recently is assumed to be unlikely to be accessed in the near future. When the cache is full and new resources need to be stored, the earliest accessed resources are removed.
The FIFO strategy removes resources based on the order in which they were added to the cache. When the cache reaches capacity, the first cached resources are evicted first. This strategy does not take into account actual resource usage or access patterns.
The LFU strategy tracks how frequently resources are accessed and removes the least frequently accessed resources from the cache. Infrequently accessed resources are likely to be less needed in the future. LFU requires the maintenance of counters or frequency trackers for each resource to accurately determine eviction priorities.
A TTL strategy assigns a specific expiration time to each resource when it is cached. When a resource's TTL expires, the resource is considered stale and can be removed from the cache. This strategy ensures that resources are checked and updated regularly by the server, reducing the chances of serving outdated content.
Server-provided Cache-Control headers can affect cache management. These headers specify directives such as "no-cache", "no-store", "public", "private", and "max-age" to control caching behavior. Client-side caches can use these directives to decide whether to cache a resource, how long to cache it, and whether it should be revalidated by the server.
In addition to the above strategies, developers can implement custom caching policies tailored to specific application needs. This may include consideration of factors such as resource importance, criticality, and even specific business logic. Custom caching rules give you fine-grained control over cache eviction decisions.
It's important to note that different caching systems and frameworks may use additional or hybrid strategies to optimize cache management and eviction. Which strategy you choose depends on factors such as the nature of your resources, expected access patterns, available storage capacity, and your application's specific performance goals.